Monday, December 22, 2014

Book 13: The Return to Ithaca

"Of the return trip I remember nothing. For upon boarding the wondrous ship of the Phaeacians the captain gave me a potion to drink, explaining that this would help me to fall asleep preserving me thus from the effects of the vertiginous speed obtained by the craft, otherwise, untrained as I was and without the proper preparation I would most certainly be taken ill."

To download the comic book and save it on the hard disk there are two options. A pdf format file, which can be opened with Adobe Reader or any other reader capable of opening pdf files and an epub format for easy viewing with the ipad --or with any reader capable of reading epub files.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Book 12: On the Island of the Phaeacians

"It was with great relief that I left the grim island of Calypso with its dark rites and secrets. Bards in later years had woven a sugar and spice love story out of that, most strange, episode of my life. Yet it had been anything but that.
The crossing of the large ocean, this time in reverse direction, seemed to last forever. Wave upon wave, long day after long day, time kept flowing at an impossibly slow pace. My mind started to drift like the frail boat I was steering.
At night I would stare at the immensity of the velvet sky and there I could see, like bright or fading stars, the faces of my lovers appearing.
It was one day, around sunset, that I had my first glimpse of the Island of the Phaeacians."

To download the comic book and save it on the hard disk there are two options. A pdf format file, which can be opened with Adobe Reader or any other reader capable of opening pdf files and an epub format for easy viewing with the ipad --or with any reader capable of reading epub files.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Book 11: On the Island of Calypso

«Following Athena's instructions and the bearings of the precious navigating instrument that I possessed I sailed due north. I was lucky not to encounter heavy seas and also to have the wind at my tail, otherwise on this frail skiff I wouldn't have gone far.

For days and night I went on without any glimpse of land, having the sun and the stars as my only companions and guides and then, suddenly, I came upon the weirdest place I've ever seen in my whole life. Here the water was still, like oil, and as thick, while a disturbing haze spread over the surface for most of the day and all of the night. The air was warm, but it made me shiver with apprehension. If I were superstitious I would say that this region was cursed.
From time to time, at night, a bright flying disk would cross the starlit sky and plunge -yes, literally plunge- into the dark waters of the sea. I'd never seen, in all my travels, so much activity by the aircraft of the gods and this did little to uplift my morale. For I knew only too well by now that wherever these people went trouble followed.»

To download the comic book and save it on the hard disk there are two options. A pdf format file, which can be opened with Adobe Reader or any other reader capable of opening pdf files and an epub format for easy viewing with the ipad --or with any reader capable of reading epub files.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Book 10: On the Island of Helios

«It was fortunate that we had Hamon as our captain, for the old Phoenician knew the seaways well, including those of the vast Ocean, and the treacherous currents of the open seas. His seafaring science have been greatly enhanced by the maps that Scylla and Charybde gave us, as well as by this mysterious instrument, very much like the one Aeolos had given us, which helped our orientation by always pointing towards the North.
In spite of all these disadvantages I realised that my chances for reaching Thrinakia, and thus escaping my pursuers' thorough search, were very slim indeed.»

To download the comic book and save it on the hard disk there are two options. A pdf format file, which can be opened with Adobe Reader or any other reader capable of opening pdf files and an epub format for easy viewing with the ipad --or with any reader capable of reading epub files.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Book 9: Scylla and Charybde

"We were lucky to have favourable winds for otherwise a dozen men wouldn't have been able to man the ship. It was also fortunate that the sky was heavily overcast for three days and nights providing thus an ideal cover against the aerial search parties who could be heard flying incessantly above our heads.

As the sun was setting on the fourth day we came into view of the dark shape of the island where Scylla and Charybde kept their watch."

To download the comic book and save it on the hard disk there are two options. A pdf format file, which can be opened with Adobe Reader or any other reader capable of opening pdf files and an epub format for easy viewing with the ipad --or with any reader capable of reading epub files.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Book 8: On the Island of the Sirens

«Before we left Aea, Circe gave me detailed instructions for the route we should follow on our way back home.
First we had to sail due north, taking advantage of the sea currents and trade winds, until we reached a group of islands known as "Islands of the Sirens". These Sirens are not some mythical creatures, as so many bards and artists depicted them, but real women, though of outstandingly good looks and with a unique gift for singing. They are the descendants of a once great race which vanished in a natural catastrophe.»

To download the comic book and save it on the hard disk there are two options. A pdf format file, which can be opened with Adobe Reader or any other reader capable of opening pdf files and an epub format for easy viewing with the ipad --or with any reader capable of reading epub files.